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Send S.o.l.o Ads For Life for a One Time F.e.e.


There are tons of people who sell


s.o.l.o ads online. You can purchase


mailings from 100 clicks up to 3000


clicks starting at 75 dollars up to


2250 dollars and that is just 1 solo


ad run.




But what kind of results do you


think you might get if you could


send solo ads for life for a one


time fee?




And if we gave you the ability to


build a list of warm prospects fast


by simply giving away FREE ad displays


do you think your results might improve?




And do you think your results might


increase even more if we gave you 2


powerful online mailers so you can


send solo ads for life to our entire


membership as well as your own personally


sponsored members?




You know that a responsive list means


more money in your pocket, right?  




And what if we gave you banner ads and


text ads with enough ad credits to get


you the exposure you need for your


favorite websites.




Here is the resolute of my emails to the members






Email 1 sent to






click through rate--456 -percent




Email 2 sent to






Click through rate--703- percent




Email 3 sent to


Members- 8484


Clicks -63780


Click through rate --752-percent




(Definition of Click through rate--


 In online advertising, the CTR is the


Percentage of Individuals, viewing a web


Page who CLICK on a specific advertisement


That appears on the page.)




This is Awesome




Join my success team now, and get 70,000 free


Ad credits



Liz Jeanminette






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