Healthier & Wealthier With AriixNewAge

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Let's prevent disease, not just treat it.
Published 06-04-2020

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine
be thy food” - Hippocrates


Nothing beats natural foods from local farms. However, let's be honest, how many of us really are getting the nutrients we need from local farms with nutrient dense soil? Almost none of us.


Less than 3 percent of Americans meet the basic qualifications for a
“healthy lifestyle.” - Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

According to the World Health Organization, a majority of Europeans do not meet the minimum recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake.

According to Harvard, the typical diet is heavy in nutrient-poor processed foods, refined grains, and added sugars—all linked to inflammation and chronic disease. Yet even if you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you likely still fall short of needed nutrients. 


Today, the right supplements are more important than ever. Meet Deanna Latson, the person who formulates our products and watch just how important the right ingredients are to her:


Importance of the Right Supplements


Studies have also shown that modern farming practices have depleted nutrients in our soil. Years of growing the same plants in the same soil results in plants with up to 75% fewer micronutrients, which is not enough to support our health. When plants contain fewer nutrients, the animals that eat these plants are also malnourished and are less healthy for human consumption.


A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Health found copper levels in the UK have dropped by 90% in dairy, 55% in meat, and 76% in vegetables. 


Let's face it, we are not getting the nutrients we need...but there is good news and it's called Nutrifii. The doctors and scientists who created the Nutrifii line believe in something called First Step Therapy to help prevent disease and health-related complications stemming from nutritional insufficiencies in the body.



Akea - Whole, Cultured, Synergistic Nutrition - Our Longevity Hot Spot Research™ shows that the world’s healthiest people eat organic, all-natural, whole foods with no added chemicals, preservatives, or synthetic substances. And that’s just what you’ll find in Akea. 


Vinali - Pro-Youth Antioxidants - A blend of grape seed extract, vitamin C, and bioflavonoids provides powerful antioxidants that promote cell health, skin elasticity, immune system health, and protection from free radicals. These ingredients taken together have been shown to produce anti-aging effects.


BioPro-Q - Energy at the cellular level - Coenzyme Q10 is often compared to a spark plug that ignites the body's engine by boosting energy production within cells. This cellular energy is what provides fundamental support for our body's vital biological processes. Unfortunately, the body's ability to produce CoQ10 declines with age, making supplementation a good idea for supporting a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle.


Magnical-D - Targeted Calcium Therapy - The power of 3 supplements in 1! Magnical-D provides an exclusive blend of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body to absorb calcium, facilitating its use in bones, cells, and the heart.


MOA - 36 Potent Super Foods in Every Bottle - So much more than a supplement! MOA features 36 amazing super foods that are high in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, as well as BioPerine, which has been proven to help nutrient absorption in the body. Watch this short video to learn more about this amazing liquid supplement.


Optimals V & M - Completely balanced bioavailable nutrition - Our vitamins and minerals, also known as the Optimals, feature a proprietary blend of bioavailable nutrients, which support critical cellular function in the body. Formulated in properly balanced ratios for daily use, the Optimals also feature the requisite cofactors for proper vitamin and mineral utilization in the body.
Omega-Q - Heart and Brain Support - Omega-Q is a unique blend of essential Omega fatty acids and the coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), two of the most powerful ingredients on earth for initiating and sustaining healthy brain, heart, and cellular functions. This balanced combination helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supports the heart, and is an important factor in preserving mental function by protecting brain cells.
Restorix - Healthy Detoxification - Restoriix brings together activated charcoal, micronized zeolite, and chlorella to eliminate toxic elements and restore your body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients.
Rejuveniix - Natural Energy Booster - Rejuveniix combines super fruit extracts and a proprietary boost blend to naturally sharpen focus, elevate mood, and give a boost of energy. Watch this fun video that demonstrates how much more healthy Rejuveniix is than other energy solutions.
I started with this quote and I am going to end with it. I am so excited to being doing the right thing for my body. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.' 
Let's start today working to prevent disease for you too!  Learn More About Ariix Nutrifii