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OMG- He Doesn't Fit...Janes Sunday Sermon
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OMG- He Doesn't Fit...Janes Sunday Sermon

Meet 12.7 lb Pomeranian

True Story...

This little sweetie, cuddles,  sat by my side for the past 10 months helping me recover from a very difficult hip replacement operation.

When I got home from the hospital he barely left my side and hour after hour he gently licked my face often sensing my pain and my distress and trying his best to comfort me.

It worked.

If I were grim and wondering what awful thing  would happen next, he seemed to sense it and he would pop out a pillow where he had parked  himself and put his paw on my arm as if to say.

"Don't worry, I am here"

So after this ten month display of empathy above and beyond the call of duty, I had my surgeon declare Cuddles an Emotional support dog which he surely was.

An emotional support dog can travel on a plane with you and can actually come out of his cage and sit on your lap in the air plane which suits me just fine.

Next Week Phil and I and Cuddles are off to see my kids in Chicago and to stay in a house that we recently bought just 5 minutes from my kids and my grandson.

I have been looking forward to this trip for over a year and now suddenly it is upon us.


We bought an approved airline carry case for Cuddles and a bag to carry his treats, a new snazzy leash, a portable water bowl, a soft brush for his soft flowing fur and some ever present treats to use to bribe him if necessary.

The carry case online looked splendid. All sides were open with mesh and the top and front and back ends opened as well to let maximum air and light into the cage.

I look at it when it arrived several weeks ago and put it aside until yesterday when we decided to give Cuddles a go at it and get him ready to fly.

We have lots of animal carrying cases at home of varying sizes and never had a problem getting Cuddls into any of them so I never gave this new one a second thought.

We put our red mesh sided cage onto the floor opened one end up and called Cuddles.

He took one look at it's open door and ran to the other side of the room.

Phil and I looked at each other knowing we only have a few days until we have to get Cuddles into this cage to get him to the air port and onto the plane with us.

Cuddles was having none of it. We picked him up and tried putting him in from the top. He popped right out.

We enticed him with carrots by holding them at one end of the cage. That got him in the front door of the cage but all he did was grab the carrots and he was gone like the wind.

We put his favorite squeeky toy in the cage. He plucked it up in his mouth and then bolted.

While this was going on, Phil and I kept noticing that while he was grabbing the carrots at the front part of the cage his hind legs and tail were sticking out of the other end and seemed to be about six inches longer than the cage is.

Hmmm we thought. The notes on the cage when we bought it said it was for dogs up to 20 pounds. Cuddles is uder 13 pounds but...

OMG he does not fit. At least it does not look like he will fit.

Phil and I are going to try again to today and this time we will try to close the top and the front but what if it doesn't work?

Stay tuned....I may be stuck in New York for the rest of my life, if I can't get my tropper, Cuddles, into an airline approved carry case:)

Like me, Cuddles can put up a tough fight sometimes and it looks likehe is ready to fight this red mesh bag to the death.

Right now I haven't a clue who is going to win. He will eitherget the better of this red case or it will tame him. Either way, Phil and I will figure out a way to take him on board. We are not leaving home without him.

There is a lesson to be learned from this true story and it is a lesson for all of you marketers out there who ask the question...

Will This Work? I get emails all day long wanting to know if this tool or that program will work online.

My answer is always the same...

That depends and it depends entirely on you.

If you want to know if something will work online, then learn how to work it.

You can hear what you can do to make things work onlinefor you right here from the webinar we did yesterday on...

How To Sell Online.

You will either learn how to do this and open up the red mesh doors to making mon-ey online or you may find that selling online is not a fit for you.

That is a choice and that is very much in your hands

If it looks like you may not fit, I suggest you get a dog. They never give up the fight. They never quit and neither should you.

go get um

Jane Mark
Sokule Inc


PS: There is a bonus offer availabe on the webinar link. We wil leave that in place for the next 24 hours.






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