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I Almost Made this Rookie Mistake Today...Did You?
Media File

I have been making a significant full time
living online for the past 19 years.

This morning I almost made a mistake that
I used to make when I was green behind the
ears and a rookie online.

We were all there once:)

Here is the mistake I almost made...

I almost sent out an email to dozens
and dozens of list that I do NOT own
and I ALmost forgot to use a capture page
in my email.

Why is this so important?

Because if you want to make sales
online you need to continually build
and grow lists.

If you send out an email to a list that
you do not own and send people straight
to your affiliate link, you build the
other guys list but not your own.

When you mail...

You want to steal list members each
time you mail and grow your own list.

So Instead of making that Rookie mistake
I Headed over to Onyalist and created
this capture page in less than 60 seconds

It was this capture page that I sent out
to dozens of lists that I do not own
and I will steal a lot of members from
them and build my own list.

If you want to avoid Rookie mistakes

Go here...Sign up...

This is your ticket to wealth building.

go get um

Jane Mark
JAM Marketing Inc

PS: If you are busy or just want your
first capture page done by professionals,
we will create your capture page for you
and market for you.

You will find that service here




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