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Seifullah Aqeel - Don't make sense, If lost my wallet, nobody
can give me some real help. Like helping me
recover from my lost, and getting back my stuff.
5:50 AM Dec 16th 15 from Web
Seifullah Aqeel 2:24 AM Dec 13th 15 from Web

What if someone knocked on you door and ask to speak to... and they called your name, say come with us, your new born baby test positive for drugs. Problem is grandma had no baby in over 20 years. She was another victim of medical identity theft.

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Seifullah Aqeel 2:59 AM Dec 10th 15 from Web

This woman was arrested and taken away from her children. Why? Her new born baby tested positive for illegal drugs. Authorities show up at her door, threaten to take all four of her children away, labeled her an unfit mother. Hey, I can understand that. Problem is she hadn't given birth in years. She was the victim of medical identity theft.

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