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The Dog Didn't Bark-Recording of Live Demo from Last Night
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The Dog Didn't Bark-Recording of Live Demo from Last Night


Last Night my Dog, Cuddles sat quietly under my
partner, Phil Basten's desk while we held a webinar
on Sokule.

That is very unusual. He usually gives at least
one bark during the course of a webinar just to
let people know he is there and alive and

I would like to think that he was quiet, last
night, because he was transfixed on every word
I said, but I think it was the turbulent thunder
and lighting and huge hail balls thudding on
my air condtioner that kept him with his paws
wrapped around his head and no barks forthcoming:)

But no matter...Even without a Cuddles hello bark
Last night we had a fabulous webinar on Sokule.

You can see the webinar here

We talked about the importance of having a list
at Sokule and being able to mail to that list
every 3 days

We showed listeners how we auto build a list
for you using our unique sokens method.

We talked about the 3 places you can post on Sokule...

Post Message Box

And we talked about how those posts go out
to 86 Social Media sites and targeted blogs
with just 1 click.

We concentrated on why using Sokwall to
make your posts is a much stronger way
to get your posts noticed than using
either of the other two posting places.

You can read why here.

There are three things you need to be doing at Sokule
That will get you on the right road to success.

1) Mailing to the list that we auto build for you
2) Posting daily to the Social Media Sites and Blogs
3) Posting on KuleWall to 1.4 Million people

That's it.
It really is not more complicated than that.

In order to do these things you need to be
a silver member or higher of Sokule and last
night we made a doozy of an offer which many
of you took up.

For those of you who misssed the webinar. Here is
the offer link.

It gives you 250 targeted trackers right out of the box.

It gives you 7.5 million sokens which will
continute to grow your list of trackers
at Sokule at lightening speed.

And it gives you access to that all important mailer.

So Here is the bonus link that will let you on
the Power of Sokule.

Use the paylink on this bonus link to make
your payment for a silver membership

And you can pick up the all of the 250 targeted
trackers and the 7.5 million sokens right now

Here is the link.

We will keep this open until Sunday, July 22nd
as many of you asked us to.

This is a manual upgrade so once you pay, we will
upgrade your account, add your 250 targeted
trackers and 7.5 million sokens and send you
a detailed welcome letter when it has been done.

A silver membership is an annual membership
You pay once a year and that's it

And you can ea-rn that back in a heart beat
We pay you every Friday when someone upgrades
under you.

Cuddles may not have barked last night but We are
giving you a special that should make your tail wag.

Go get um


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