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some truths from volord kingdom

wait - I cannot even be close to the end of my life - I haven't even begun to accomplish or even understand how to do anything really meaningful based on the accomplishment of the occupants of this world in general - and I have so much more to do - to say and to live - it can never be satisfying to visit any location only once and think I know the place at all - and how many of the places that I have already visited have changed so drastically since I did visit them such a long time ago - and while it does look as if the world is turning slowly it is together with the solar system moving through space at an incredibly fast speed - a speed that in a relative sense makes it most impossible for me to visit anywhere more than one moment and at one time ever since even outside my door is different every day simply due to the fact that that out side my door space is in a totally different location relative to the Universe than it was just a few seconds ago - we only think that there is anything in our individually occupied worlds that does not or never will change but that is our misperception of what our Universe as a whole and the entire time space continuum that we all live in really is and how it really is - how little we each of us know and how little we understand about the world that we occupy for a brief moment in time and just how humbling everything that we encounter during our brief lives are - 

in the long run does anything that I have done or will do during the rest of my life really matter at all - even the greatest accomplishments of any robber baron or great scientist - the greatest philosopher or anyone else for that matter does and will disappear totally eventually as the time wisps away our existence from one part of the Universe to the moment after that -


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