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If you like Big Savings, You can cash in Your Winning Ticket Today.

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Get up to 25 million sokens that will grow your list on
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Here is Your Winning Ticket.

Use this special DISCOUNT paylink to upgrade your account.

That will put your message in front of 1.4 million today
instantly and daily.

It will get you a targeted list that you can mail to Daily

This Discount link will disappear in just 8 days.

You will pay much more for an upgraded membership
in the members area.

Do Not Let This Pass You By.

Cash in your winning ticket today.

Go get um

Jane Mark
JAM Marketing Inc

PS: When you use the Special Discount paylink , it is a manual upgrade.

You will get a special detailed welcome letter form me letting you
know your account has been upgraded and all of the bonuses added.

PPS: If you are not yet a member of sokule, join us here:

PPPS: Join us for our live launch of the New Sokule-
Saturday, Aug 5th at 12.00 Noon Est.

We will do a complete walk through of the site


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