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Subject lines can make or break you
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Subject lines can make or break you

Did you know that subject lines can make or break you?

A high-scoring subject line will get
your emails opened and give you extra
chances to make sales.

A low-scoring subject line will go
unopened, or land your emails in the
spam folder, and you can wave goodbye
to your profits.

No Worries...

We solved that problem for you!

Give us a URL you want to promote
and we will take over.

Here's the deal.

* We'll create and test 10 winning
subject lines that have a high inbox
score. (value $500).

* Each subject line will score 90,
or above, at our trusted site, Email
Content Checker, and it will pass
the spam filters. (Value $500).

* We'll add these subject lines to
your ECC account so other users,
and visitors to our website, can
see them. (value $197).

* We'll give you 5 million ECC
ad-view credits to assign to your
subject lines, so they display on
the ad profits page and get regular
traffic. (Value $2,500).

* You can use these subject lines
in any email campaigns you run
anywhere on the internet.
(value priceless).

* You'll get a basic account at
Email Content Checker for free.

A Basic account sells for $197.00.
You get it at no cost with this
introductory Done4u offer.

* With a basic account, you get to
test up to 50 subject lines and
email copy. (value $197).

* You can email your offers to
265,000 active subscribers every
five days.(value $497).


* ECC will promote up to 50 websites
using your subject lines in your
Email Content Checker account.
(value priceless).

We do it all for you.

You sit back and let ECC done4u
go to work for you.

Packages are strictly limited.

go get um

Jane Mark
Done For your services

Note: If you are not yet a member of
EmailContentChecker, join-here




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