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Get set for life with 100M fr-ee solo ad credits at one-stop solo ads

Hi and Welcome,


Can you figure out how much it would

cost to purchase 100M ad credits at our

new mailing site 1StopSoloAds...


The number is actually too large to calculate

so as they say in New York City....


"Fuhgeddaboudit" It's off the charts.


1StopSoloAds launched recently and it is flying

thanks to the early birds. This site is like

a maxi yacht in full sail, jump on board now or

be left in the wash.


The Gold Rush is here:)


Many people are making commissions right out of the box

and that is the name of the game when you work online.


Very soon, there will be a really nice size list that everyone

can brag about and be reached with the mailer every day.


Position yourself today successfully at 1StopSoloAds

with an Unlimited Founder position.


Here is why you want to hop onto this Unlimited

Founder bargain.


You will never run out of credits..  Wowza...


In a week or so some people will find themselves out of credits

and will need to keep going back to the purchasing credits well.


Unlimited Founders never run out of credits no matter

how large the member list grows.


Go prospecting for Gold Nuggets today and start with 100M credits,

and if you should use them all, contact support and you will be topped

up with a second batch of 100M credits immediately.


1StopSoloAds will grow fast. Take the bullet train to the

1Stop Solo Ads Gold Rush today.


Here are the benefits of being an Unlimited Founder:-


As an Unlimited Founder you will be able to:


Use the solo ad mailer daily.

Mail to proven customers.

Save your emails - resend later.


Advertise your banner and text ads.

You get 10 text ads and 8 banner ads


Set up the dough funnel for more greenbacks.


Make 35% commission.


Make unlimited dough from 20 tested,

trusted, and high paying sites


Mail to all your favourite solo ads mailers right from

the members area of 1STopSoloAds


The bonuses that come with your Unlimited Founder are worth

over $32,000 and it is hard to even calculate what it would cost

you to purchase 100M credits.


"fuhgeddaboudit" as they say in New York City.


Check all of this out and if you are not yet a member of 1StopSoloAds,

get in early or the 1Stop Solo Ads Gold Rush may run right over you.


Take the bullet train to the Gold Rush fields today.


The Bullet Train stops here:


Kind Regards

Bob The 1StopSoloAds Guy Welcome

Queensland, Australia.


Bob Welcome Recommends 1Stop Solo Ads


Down Under Murmurs


Wally - Geez Morton wot do yah reckon about these

100M no cost ad credits ol buddy


Morton - No doubt about it Wal yah gotta be nuts to pass

up on 100M no cost ad credits – and that’s for sure mate.


Wally – Well swing that lasso Mort and drag that bag of

100M no cost ad credits over here. We’ll hop on board

and go straight for Unlimited Founder mate


Morton - You can pay all at once Wal or use the 2 pay flexipay link.


Wally – Na Morton just pay for it in one hit mate and its all over bar the shoutin.

Wait till Saltbush Bill and old Barney the grader driver hear about this,

and then shoutin and hollerin will be heard all over mate. 


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